Soreas Lennart

For all intents and purposes, Soreas seems like a unassuming (but very friendly) merchant-turned-leader of a small crafting guild. However, he hides a secret that most people don't know -- and he'd like to keep it that way.

Basic Profile

Name: Soreas LennartRace: Primal-Corrupted (appears to be Plainsfolk Lalafell)Age: 48Gender: Male (pronouns: he/him)Sexuality: PansexualNameday: 21st Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon (June 20)Likes: Alcohol, debauchery, his families, high places, his husbandDislikes: Rain, paperwork, politicsPhysical Description: Standing at 3'5", this unusually tall Plainsfolk Lalafell has long silver hair that’s kept in a braid at the nape of his neck. He has bright blue eyes, and he has very fair skin. Soreas is fit and lithe, and his diminutive size hides the fact that he’s quite familiar with battle.Soreas keeps several outfits; these days, he's fond of the silken finery from Thavnair, wearing dancer's garb in blue even when fighting physically. He frequently wears a long earring made of scintillant metal on his left ear.First Impression: Soreas is extremely cheerful and easy-going. There are very few things that will faze him, and he generally takes a laid-back approach when it comes to situations. Though he's now married, he’s still a hopeless flirt, and is especially friendly with the ladies, though he’ll never force himself on anyone.

Before the Calamity

  • Please note that the following is not common knowledge.

In his youth, Soreas was a crewmember aboard The Ocean's Whore, a ship belonging to a band of pirates who terrorised the Lominsan coast. However, most of the crew mutinied, betraying both their captain as well as Soreas who turned them in to the Yellowjackets in exchange for a place within their ranks.Tormented by having to watch his former crewmates march to the gallows, Soreas would have met the same fate if not for his captain, who managed to free himself as well as his beleagured lookout. As they were now wanted by the Yellowjackets, the two decided to part ways, Soreas escaping to Kugane and hiding for the next decade as an ijin.Eventually, he made his way back to Gridania, posing as a trader in order to make some coin. After enlisting as a trader to a crafting guild, he found that he was quite good at this line of work, and he became a member of the guild despite not having any crafting experience.Soreas was eventually discovered by Limsa Lominsa and arrested for his crimes; he eventually received a conditional pardon in exchange for working for the Maelstrom as required.

After the Calamity

After the Calamity struck and the crafters guild was destroyed, Soreas decided to return to Kugane to clear his mind and to recuperate. During that time, he learned the art of ninjutsu from a shinobi who had fled the unrest in Doma.Five years later, Soreas returned to Gridania to find that the place looked both different and not at the same time. Gone was the giant tree that had served as the guild's home, and no one knew where the former guildmembers had scattered.After taking the time to track people down, he managed to find Rathe, a prominent member of the former guild, who had managed to rebuild the guild in all but name at her home. He was warmly welcomed back -- she took out a Magitek Reaper she had salvaged and began firing at him -- and the guild began its rebirth, attracting members old and new into its ranks.


  • Please note that the following is not common knowledge.

Soreas encountered a guild member named Tatsuya Mikami, an imposing Au Ra with sharp, piercing blue eyes. True to character, Soreas tried to flirt with him, eventually encountering him in a dream that night where he found himself being propositioned for sex.That was the only encouragement Soreas needed to meet up with him the next day, and sure enough, they slept together. Soreas attempted to take control of the situation; however, not only did he discover Tatsuya didn't appreciate that sort of thing, Soreas found himself falling under a strange influence that was fogging up his mind.When Soreas awoke later, his learned that his partner was the primal Overmind. Unable to resist him despite the Blessing of Light and falling further under his control through physical contact, he began doing his bidding, gathering both aether and unsuspecting mortals in order to enthrall them and to grow his power.His body changed the suit the primal’s whims, the most telling feature being his height. One could simply dismiss him as an unusually tall lalafell, but those who can see past his meticulous glamour could see that he’s much lither, much more aethereal… with small, white wings to complement his primal-corrupted form.Becoming the primal's consort and high priest, it didn't take long for him to become fully corrupted. His loyalty to him was absolute. He would end up doing anything and everything for his new master… even nearly giving him his precious guildmates, the people who he considered his family.He had a new family now.

Present Day

As time passed, Overmind became fond of his little consort; though difficult to tell if his feelings were due to his enthrallment or otherwise, Soreas felt the same. Overmind and Soreas wed on [November 20], though not without consequences; another primal, Susano, crashed their post-wedding activities. How he found out about the wedding is still a mystery to the two.

After the events in the Aitascope and discovering that the methods taught by the Ascians resulted in corrupted primal summonings, Overmind became resolved to exist in this world as a properly summoned entity. Soreas, along with all the other thralls, became untempered, and the two worked to ensure that a future summoning would be as proper as possible.After the two finished their preparations, Soreas proceeded with the resummoning, and succeeded in bringing back his husband and former master. A majestic being, one with six wings instead of four, one with aethereal raiment uncorrupted, stood before him, albeit bereft of memories. Offering him a vessel containing his former memories – his wedding ring, in this case – the two were reunited, along with the handful of former slaves who remained after the untempering.Today, Soreas still lives in the former harem along with Overmind. He's still recovering from his mental corruption; despite the primal's lack of tempering aura, he'll still sometime space out if he exhibits his power. He still retains any physical corruption, and he has no desire to have it reversed.Outside his home, Soreas keeps a glamour on him to hide the physical changes. Someone very astute in aetherology would be able to see right through it, however.

RP Information

Roleplay Style:I tend to prefer immersive roleplaying when it comes to Soreas, preferring paragraph-style interactions. Please keep this in mind if we're roleplaying in game!I much prefer roleplaying on Discord, though I'm open to in-game roleplaying as well. You can reach me at Cas#9494, or on Zalera @ Soreas Lennart.

Relationships:Despite his flirtiness, Soreas is not multiship; he's not open to any new romantic relationships, nor is he available for a fling.

Possible Hooks:Don't know how to get Soreas' attention? Here's a few ideas:

  • Soreas does work from the Maelstrom as part of the deal for his freedom. If someone affiliated comes calling, he'll have to answer to them.

  • Soreas radiates a fair amount of aether, and anyone who can sense it would immediately tell that there's something more than meets the eye when it comes to this lalafell.

  • Soreas tries to be anywhere between cordial to friendly with other primals, depending on which one. Encountering someone else who's enthralled would surely pique his interest.

  • Soreas co-leads a crafting guild. If there are any large or unusual orders, Soreas would be one of the first to know, and would possibly be the first point of contact.


Soreas references. Art by Cozy!

Art by Cozy!